History trend widget

The data collected and stored from the data logger can be analyzed using the History Trend widget.

This is a two-step process:

See "Data logging" for details on how to create a trend buffer

To display a history trend:

  1. Drag and drop the History Trend widget from the widget gallery to the page.
  1. Attach the trend buffer that you want to draw to the Curve n Value. Data is always plotted against time.
History trend widget properties
Property Description

Num Curves

Number of trend curves to be displayed

Page Duration

Time window to show

End Time

End time of the time window

This parameter can be used to scroll the time window. When zero, the end time is the current system time.

Starting Position Specifies where the curve begin to be drawn when the page is opened (can be left, center or right).

Definition of:

  • Min/Max of Y axis
  • Number of tickets to draw on the axes
  • Background image


Trend title and font properties (font size, label, etc.)

Grid Properties of grid presentation (colors)
Cursor Properties of cursor presentation (enable and color)
X Scale Properties of X Scale presentation
Y Scale Properties of Y Scale presentation

Curve "n"

Buffer that contains the tag's values to plotted in the trend widget.

  • Select Trend

    select the trend buffer to display

  • Attach To
    select a tag (string) that will contain the name of the trend buffer to display (it is an indexed trend buffer selection)

Tag values can be scaled using the X Forms in the Attach to dialog. See ""Attach to" parameters" for details.

Printing historical trend widget

The historical trend widget can be found and used from the print report gallery.

Using the “attach to tag” feature is possible to use tags to define some properties of the historical trend to print at runtime:

"Page Duration" with "End Time" define the piece of the trend buffer to print. "Curve Name" can be used to select the curve to show. An empty string means no curve to show.

SetTrendView() and ScrollTrendToTime() are display macros and have no effect on report printing.